Jesus and Coffee – How to Plan a Date with God

Plan a Date with Jesus and Coffee

In this post, I share how to supercharge your spiritual life by planning a coffee date table session with God. Are you intentional about your alone time with God enough to schedule regular dates with Him? If your answer is no, it’s time that you change that. The enemy enjoys when you don’t spend time praying, studying, and learning the Word of God. 

Therefore, since life is so hectic, you must seize dedicated time with God before it escapes.  

Whether you enjoy coffee, tea, or another favorite drink during early mornings—grab it and get with Jesus. 

Jesus is the lover of your soul, and He created you for a close connection with Him. Therefore, it’s wise to make sure to always abide in His presence.


John 15:4 NASB says, Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit [a]of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.


How My Table Sessions and Dates Look

I plan out my Bible studies, business/blog plans, and prayer time with God. When I’m in my creative zone, I pray for guidance as I am God’s co-worker then grab my laptop, notebook, or planner and enjoy what I call Creative Table Sessions. These sessions give the Holy Spirit the authority to download what He wills into my spirit.

Since I want my time with God to be as productive and fruitful




l as possible, I focus on specific pre-planned tasks, and I go all-in on time blocks.

If you’re not familiar with time-blocking, you plan short time frames for your tasks to maximize your productivity. 




The Bible explains in James 4:8 NIV to Come near to God, and he will come near to you and Proverbs 21:5 NIV says, The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.

Diligence in drawing near, seeking, and planning out your time with God will supercharge your spiritual life, and you will see it soar.

Here’s an Example of My Time-Blocking:

I block out sessions from 30 minutes to 1-hour increments in my planner or calendar.

  • Goal – Prayer Time
  • Task – Pray for my family (spouse, children, parents, siblings). Pray for the lost, abuse victims, and the homeless for 1 hour. 


  • Goal – Finish writing God is Good book by December 31, 2020.
  • Task 1– Write and Plan Table of Contents – 45 minutes
  • Task 2 – Write Introduction – 1 hour


  • Goal – Write New Blog Post for Coffee and Jesus
  • Task 1 Monday 8:00 a.m. (45-minute writing block for a new blog post).
  • Task 2 Tuesday 9:00 a.m. (1-hour writing block for the new blog post).


  • Goal – Study 1st Corinthians 1
  • Task – Study Chapter 1 using the inductive Bible study method from 6:30 a.m. – 7:30 a.m



FREE Inductive Bible Study


During these time slots, you must shut out all distractions and pour yourself into the assignment. I am always productive when I do this, and you will be as well. I also set a timer on my phone or computer.

Although this post is not about time blocking, I used it as an example to prioritize your time with God best, no matter how busy the day might be. 

Never forget the importance of your relationship with Jesus Christ. The spiritual part of you is the most vital. Therefore, value it and feed your spirit regularly. The Bible says man should not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4).

What You Should Bring:

A Drink – Bring your favorite morning drink to your date. Only you know what gives you that warm fuzzy feeling, that cool tantalizing one, or extra energy. It can be coffee, tea, detox water, an energy drink, or a tasty smoothie. 



Jesus and Coffee Art Instant printable


No matter what drink you choose, grab it, and show up ready to enjoy God.

Humility – Enter into the presence of God with joy, praise, and thanksgiving. Your attitude matters, so show up with a heart of joy ready to receive what the King has to share with you this day.

Bible – Show up with your Bible as God speaks to us through His Word. If you value God’s Word please make it a point to always have a physical Bible as your main one and a digital app/version secondary.

Notebook – Bring your notebook to take notes from what the Holy Spirit shares. Document what He revealed and what you will apply from His teachings.

Writing Instruments – Bring color pens, highlighters, and any other writing instrument you use to write with and make markings in your Bible.


A Book – If you’re currently reading a Christian based book to grow spiritually, it’s ok to bring that to your session. However, if you’re going to read your book, make sure you still get Bible reading time. Holy scripture is spiritual food (daily bread) and takes priority over other reading. Once you get your scripture reading in, move on to your book.

Journal – Sometimes, we like to journal. Journaling is great for your heart and soul. It’s a pure form of writing expression and anxiety relief. If you love journaling about your Bible study, personal concerns, or as a form of expression to God, by all means, do it.

Computer – As of late, I’ve been into organizing all of my Bible study and sermon notes into Onenote. It’s such an excellent program for any creative, writer, or if you love to stay organized. Sometimes I type out or dictate my notes into one note while I’m studying.

No matter what you bring to the table, show up with a posture ready to receive a Word from the Lord. 



how to supercharge your spiritual life by planning a coffee date table session with God. Are you intentional about your alone time with God enough to schedule regular dates with Him? If your answer is no, it’s time that you change that. The enemy enjoys when you don’t spend time praying, studying, and learning the Word of God. #date #datejesus #creativity #timeblocking #jesus #spiritualgrowth #biblestudy

Prayer Time With God

Prayer is critical when you start and wrap up your time with God. In many cases, without fail, there is always a distraction trying to interfere with your Jesus date.

Suddenly, you hear noises, your phone rings, sleepiness surfaces, or you can’t focus on what you’re reading/studying. Pray in advance to guard against these distractions.

When you start your table session date with Jesus, invite the Holy Spirit in to have His way. Ask Him to teach and guide you into truth. Ask Him to reveal what He needs you to see and to illuminate the scripture.

We desire fruit from our time with God, so when you close out your table session with God, ask Him to seal in what you’ve learned. 

In Conclusion

Soulful, I encourage you to plan your next “table session date” with the Lord. Make your favorite drink and enjoy the intimacy. Of course, you can do this on your patio, in your favorite chair, or cozy office space. Where and when you meet with God is up to you.

In conclusion, God should never be a second option in the life of the believer. Prioritizing our time with Him is primary, as the day-to-day busyness of living is quite distracting. If you don’t plan your time with God, be sure the enemy will steal it. 

There is always an excuse as to why you cannot read the Word, pray, or hear from God. You are here to supercharge your spiritual life and soar like Moses, Joshua, David, Elijah, Paul, and tons of others in the Word of the Living God.


Soul Actions:

Don’t forget to have fun with God. Laugh, smile, talk to Him as if He’s right there with you at the table.

Thank God for the time you spent with Him schedule your next date.

Share this with a friend. Encourage them to have a table session date with God in the morning.


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