Tag Archive for: time management

How I use the 12-week year goal-setting process to get results with my goals and systems as a Christian. So many people set goals and never achieve them because they need a plan. The 12-week year system is a simple way to create a plan and achieve your goals to maximize your outputs. In this post, I will show you how it works and how you can use it with spiritual disciplines. So whether you’re looking to lose weight, start a business, or improve your life, please read on. 

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Learn how to set goals according to the Bible. According to the Bible, setting goals shows God that we trust Him and are willing to work hard, obey and glorify Him for His name’s sake. We can better direct our lives towards His will by setting goals to maximize our time. Here are some tips on how to set spiritually-minded goals that will help you grow closer to Him. I’ll unpack this using scriptures from the book of Psalms.

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Do you have a business idea but need to know where to start?  In this article, I will show you how to take your business idea and make it a reality by walking you through the steps I took to start my own successful business. If you stick around to the end, I’ll share a tip that will save you a lot of time in this process. So come with me as I take you on a journey from idea to execution and, finally, success. 

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Your goals will fail if you do the five things I include in this post. No matter how well you plan or how determined you are, your goals will fail if you do any of these things. Dreaming Big and setting goals is hard enough, but ensuring they don’t fail is even harder. 

Here are a few tips on what NOT to do if you want your goals to succeed.

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A system is a must when striving towards reaching your goals. You’ve probably heard many people talk about goal setting, but you may not know that having goals without systems is like shooting in the dark. Setting goals is a great start, but without a system, the chances of achieving those goals are slim to none. 

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Distraction is the enemy of productivity. Since distraction is the enemy of productivity, targeted prayer, discipline, focus, and persistence in your goals help you win. You cannot stay in your lane when you’re easily distracted. But God provides an avenue to escape the distractions tempting you into a lack of productivity.

If you’re constantly scrolling through TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, or Facebook when you haven’t completed your work, it means you’re easily distracted. Distraction can creep up in the form of a person, place, or thing.

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