Tag Archive for: bible study

Are you saved, or will God’s judgment lead you into the gates of hell for eternity? I am calling on all who identify as saved and profess Christ. HELL is an actual destination where the worm never dies, and there will never be a new opportunity to repent and make it right with Christ if you end up there. Your eternal future is nothing to toy with.

Therefore, are you bearing the fruits of repentance if you’re saved? You’ll want to examine yourself because you’ll be responsible for the wages of your sin when you stand before our holy God on judgment day. Romans 6:23 NIV says, for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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Plan a Date with Jesus and Coffee

In this post, I share how to supercharge your spiritual life by planning a coffee date table session with God. Are you intentional about your alone time with God enough to schedule regular dates with Him? If your answer is no, it’s time that you change that. The enemy enjoys when you don’t spend time praying, studying, and learning the Word of God. 

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The title I just want to share this with you was put on my heart this past weekend during my study about the early church. I’ve been studying the book of Acts for the last four weeks and the Holy Spirit led me to go back and re-read a couple of the chapters. The book of Acts was never one that I got into studying before, but I’m so glad that I got into it.

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VIDEOHow to study the Bible is not always a one size fits all. However, in this video we discuss the way that my Dad—Minister George Quinn studies the Bible. He has been studying the Bible for 40 plus years off and on and he will share how it has kept him anchored.

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