Did the gift of salvation cost anything?

Salvation is a gift, but it costs something. God gave us the gift of eternal life by believing in our hearts and confessing Jesus Christ as Lord with our mouths for salvation (Romans 10:9-10).

When you got reborn, the day you confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and believed in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, by faith, and repented of your sins did it cost you anything?

Paul realized the price of redemption and the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ when he called himself a bondservant (Romans 1:1). Oxford dictionary defines a bondservant as a person bound in service without wages (a slave or serf).


Related Reads:

How to Be Saved and Go to Heaven

Do You Know Who You Are? Kiss Insecurity Goodbye


The Gift of Eternal Life

The gift of eternal life demonstrates the fruit of a new heart. As you explore more scriptures related to salvation, you’ll discover other pertinent things that occur during your declaring Jesus is Lord. We can take a closer look into them in another writing.

Romans 10:9-10 KJV says, If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.


Salvation is a “gift,” but it does cost. It costs God the Father everything—His only begotten Son.

Jesus is God


An article I read from Making Life Count Ministries, What does only begotten Son mean? says, “The Greek word for “only begotten” is monogenes and means “uniquely born” or “one-of-a-kind birth.” The conception and birth of Jesus was unique—nothing like it had ever happened before and will happen again in the future. He was conceived in the womb of a virgin by the Holy Spirit and is the only one who has two natures—divine and human; all God and all man”.

The incarnate—Christ—died and defeated death just for us!

Hell exists, and because God loved the world so much, He gave us His only begotten Son as a ransom in place of us going to hell. Therefore, we cannot perish, but we receive the gift of everlasting life.


John 3:16-17 KJV, says For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.


God wants to gift you with eternal life.


Saved by Faith


Through your faith in Christ, you have the blessing of eternal life, among many other spiritual benefits. He gives you the right to be called a child of God due to the righteousness of Christ.


Ephesians 1:5 KJV says, Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,


God gave His unique and one-of-a-kind beloved child to a world of evil sinners to mock, ridicule, spit on, blasphemy, disregard, disrespect, beat, and violently murder. Jesus Christ is the innocent lamb of God. Jesus Christ is God and the second member of the triune Godhead. He came to take away the sins of the world (John 1:29).


The Gift of God’s Love


Because of God’s great love, He made a redemption plan that allowed His Son to take the cost of every sin we were to pay.

Your adoption is sure through faith in Christ our Lord. You would be going to hell, but you don’t have to because of Christ’s obedience. As painful as it was, He pressed on to the cross.

He paid a hefty penalty for our sin debt because the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23)

Therefore, are you celebrating the “good news,” the gospel of Jesus Christ, every day in your actions?

If you grasp the price, He paid:

Reverencing, honoring, and surrendering to Him is pleasurable.

Worshiping, praising, praying, and meditating on His Word is honorable.

Obedience to His will is delightful.

Pressing on to the mark of the high calling is joyful.


Press On

Jesus is our motivation and our salvation. He came down from heaven and took the lowest position on earth—a servant! Therefore, we can take His yoke and learn from Him.


Hebrews 12:2 KJV says, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.


Jesus looked beyond the shame of the cross to the joy set before Him. Likewise, our problems are minimal compared to the eternal future that lies ahead.

Remember to make every moment count in the days you have ahead. When the nights get tough, remember the vision of Jesus pressing to the crucifixion site.

He pressed, for you and me!

Jesus finished the course for you to have a heavenly eternity.

We should forever be indebted to Jesus to take our place on the cross and conquer death and the grave.


I encourage you to meditate on the life Jesus’ death affords you, not just today but every day.

Remember to make every moment count in the days you have ahead. When the nights get tough, remember the vision of Jesus pressing to the crucifixion site.

Meditate on how He pushed to the mark of Calvary and completely surrendered Himself and took on the wrath of the Father. Close your eyes to visualize the pain the Savior endured for the sake of sinners. Soulful, never forget how He insisted despite the turmoil, pain, hemorrhaging, and mocking.

Because of Christ, there is joy ahead.

It did cost Him, so give Him praise and glory


Soul Actions:

Meditate on the four gospels so you never forget who Christ is.

 Press onward into the calling God assigned for you.

 Remember to make your calling and election sure.


Thank you for reading. If this post blessed you, please be so kind to share it with a friend.

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