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Purpose and total dependence on God is the key to success and transformation. A door closed in my face some years ago, and that action transformed my life and unlocked my purpose. God’s purpose is why we’re here. Friend, today is the day that the Lord has made, and I am elated to introduce you to the new assignment God has birthed through me—Cure 4 the Soul Ministries.

If you followed me with LaTanya Quinn Ministries (Jan. 2012 – Dec. 2014), you might have a bit of background about the Bible teachings and articles I penned.

Nevertheless, a lot has transpired since then, honey—a lot!

The Valley

To name a few, I walked away from ministry (but not from God), closed my art location in Atlanta, got back with my ex-husband (and then split from him again), and relocated to another state.

I experienced nearly a decade of my life in the valley (2009 – 2018); this was most of my thirties. This was no small test—these were the hardest years of my entire life.

God had to break me from the life I knew to rebuild me for my calling.

That season was veryyyy dry, but I also experienced great moments of God’s refreshing waters flowing through the valley.

Those years seemed never to end (another 365 days, again and again), but what I saw the Lord do during this decade was mind-blowing.

Because of my relationship with Christ, I wasn’t constantly leaned over with ongoing depression and discouragement. I even encouraged you through some of my harshest moments by writing weekly devotionals.

I also grew spiritually, learned to overcome strongholds, and unlocked a treasure chest of wisdom too.

I will certainly share more in the weeks to come.


Are you in a valley season right now and desire prayer?


In April of 2018, God released me from testing and living in Atlanta (I lived there for nearly eighteen years) and sent me to Dallas, TX. This move was certainly a move of the Holy Spirit.

Friend, I am NOT the same LaTanya that ministered to you back then. Through Christ, I endured, persevered, and emerged even stronger than ever.

Noooo, I haven’t arrived at perfection; I am still working out my salvation with fear and trembling.


“C4tS  is passionate about  helping you to change, break cycles, heal the soul, grow spiritually, tear down strongholds, and live out your purpose by faith through Christ Jesus”.


To kick this C4tS mission off—let’s go back! Here’s the first writing I penned when I answered my call to ministry in 2011, this was published seven years ago this week. That final closed-door transformed my life (and ushered me into my purpose about a year or so later), but little did I know—there would be several difficult lessons that I had to defeat along this path.


THE CLOSED DOOR – Published January 9, 2012, by LaTanya Quinn Ministries

I lost my job in March 2010, and I was unemployed until September of 2012. Throughout my time away from corporate America, I continued to pursue full-time employment. But, EVERY door seemed to close on me.

I was blessed enough to get to the third or fourth interviews for the interviews that I did get. Consequently, I was rejected, and only two of those six companies respected me enough to reject me professionally. I would have companies schedule other interviews with me, but a few of them stood me up and didn’t keep the appointment.

Finally, my girlfriend Dana set me up for an interview with a company, and it followed with two successful and lengthy interviews. I was one of two final candidates. The three managers seemed to like me as a likely hire, and in my mind, I rocked those sessions. As the date that I was to hear back from them approached, I never heard anything.

The start date was to begin the next Monday, but by Friday evening, the writing was on the wall, the show had gone on without me! This was another disheartening rejection to add to the list.

That Sunday morning, disappointment surfaced, and I refused to attend another church service.


It’s time to re-prioritize your life! Live life on purpose.



Drunkness before Purpose

I woke up furious. For months I prayed all the prayers I could pray, sang all the songs of praise that I could sing. I had read all of the Bible (yes, the entire Bible) and books that I could read to stay motivated and patient.

I was hurt, confused, discouraged, and was on the verge of giving up. I had managed to remain positive throughout this whole time of unemployment, but I had never faced a test this long. There was nothing anyone could say to me at that time, even to attempt to encourage me.

Profanity flew out of my mouth at lightning speed, tears overflowed uncontrollably, and I told God that I was tired.

I spent the day drinking my pain away with vodka and wine!

I blasted explicit hip-hop music and cried my heart out. Nobody was invited to this exclusive pity party. I felt like a failure and was clueless as to what my life would become. My art sales were very inconsistent, and I was not able to live solely off the business.

In my drunkenness, I accidentally broke my favorite cross that sat on my living room table, and by bedtime, I was much too sick to sleep.

I couldn’t even sleep the next day due to how horrible I felt.

That night would mark a change in me. The Holy Spirit led me to repentance about several sins and into a life-transforming fast within the week.


Trust in the Lord

Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV came to mind over and over.


Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV says, Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.


Transformation and Purpose

Who knew that last employer, who closed the door in my face with another NO, would play such a major part in a new testimony and purpose?

They had no idea how they assisted the Holy Spirit in changing my world.

In the year that followed, God began uncovering my purpose. I can’t help but think back to how my life would be today if I started that job. You certainly would not be a recipient of any of my articles or seeing how the Lord plans to use me in ministry.

I planned to get another job, pay my mortgage, repair my finances, and build my business. Let’s not forget about my intentions to restore my shoe game, reinvest in my wardrobe, and get myself together so that I could start dating again.

The very things that separated Jesus and me from getting closer would still have been in the way. My hidden sin would still be an issue.

I would have been back to living my life like the rest of the world—not like the child of the King!

Thanks for reading this flashback to where it all began. Let’s take a look at some next steps.


Soul Actions:

  1. Lean on your favorite scripture of promise and don’t lose hope.
  2. Thank God, for everyone that has told you no, rejected you, or shut the door in your face.
  3. Look at rejection through your spiritual eyes and view it as an opportunity to a. Fight harder in faith or b. Believe that God has something better for you. Believe that if God wants you to have something at an appointed time, it will happen when He decides.

Soul Vitamin: Closed doors; they just may save or transform our lives. God is more concerned about your character than your desires. He stretches and disciplines His children whenever and however He chooses . This life is but a vapor, but eternity lasts forever. Look for new opportunities when doors close.

What closed doors has God used in your life to bring about change? Share your comments below, and please share this article with 2 other people.

5 replies
  1. Reshanna Blount
    Reshanna Blount says:

    This completely hit home, it’s like it was sent for me. I have a lot on my plate right now some things I need to move away as well. I usually don’t check my emails and forward certain things straight to spam. But something told me to opened this. I just got off from work and supposed to be doing my homework but I am tired, and just chose to do this. Because I am so tired until I can’t fall asleep. This gave me chills you don’t understand how this just opened my eyes. Thank you so much for sending this

    • cure4thesouladmin
      cure4thesouladmin says:

      Hey Lady, thank you so much for reading this. I am so happy that God used this to speak to you. I pray that this continues to help you as you are not alone.

  2. marcia alston
    marcia alston says:

    Thank you for sharing and being transparent! Definitely some nuggets captured my attention and w will take wit me today! Beautiful reminder how God uses everything and when we are open to hear the Holy Spirit then we can see change within ourselves!

    • cure4thesouladmin
      cure4thesouladmin says:

      I am just getting to these comments, I didn’t realize I had any yikes. Marcia so glad that you took the time to read this. I pray that it helped you to some degree.

  3. Leeritta Christian
    Leeritta Christian says:

    Thank LaTanya for sharing and thank you for your transparency. Your message will help and touch a lot of people. It has certainly blessed me this morning. I’m praying for GOD’s best for you and your ministry! I look forward to seeing the amazing ways that GOD is going to bless you!

    LORD knows I have also had many closed doors and “no’s” in my life. I have learned that those doors were not meant to be open. That wasnt the path GOD has chosen for me. The LORD has been speaking to me and telling me to do certain things with my life. But out of fear and feelings of inadequacy I have not completed those tasks. I have been disobedient. I must work on obedience. I am certain that once I live in obedience my life will change drastically. I’m so excited and happy that I have finally found my purpose and that the LORD directs my paths. My purpose lies with HIM!

    I look forward to following your ministry and reconnecting with you. Praying for the best!


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