Do you know who you are? Learning to Love Yourself


Do you know who you are? Learning to Love Yourself is the new and final piece to this “identity series.” In Kiss Insecurity Goodbye (part 1), we unwrapped how our flawed thinking about God shapes our identity. And in Uncover Your True Identity (part 2), we discussed how to carry ourselves as a child of the King. In Let Truth Expose the Lie (part 3), we unwrapped how truth (light) will expose lies (darkness) and reveal unhealthy thoughts that keep you bound.

The prior installments helped to draw your attention to the glory of Jesus Christ. As a result of His death, burial, and bodily resurrection (finished work), we can be chosen (Matthew 22:14) and adopted (John 1:12, Romans 8:14-19, Gal 3:26) by Him (saved). 









I’m now in my forties, but I shared (in part 1) how I used to struggle with guilt and shame until I was about thirtyish. During the years in that stronghold, I believed God was not pleased with me and my repeat sin. One of them being the anger problem I struggled with. If you have trouble accepting yourself due to any untruths like this, you’ll struggle to love yourself until the stronghold breaks. The bad news is you cannot break a stronghold, but the good news is the great Physician can.

Elohim is not looking at you with angry looks of disgust. Nor is He looking at the things you don’t like about yourself the same as you are. 

Choosing guilt and shame once you confess/repent of sins is unhealthy. Pray about this more as this is a stronghold. It’s normal to feel remorse, but a nagging feeling about your wrongs is not. Jesus can release and heal you. Additionally, your feelings of insecurity, dislike, disapproval, and low self-value are self-condemning. This proof of Satan’s lies is shaping your identity as opposed to God’s truth. 

Condemnation is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as the expression of very strong disapproval. Strong’s Concordance describes katakrima (the Greek word for condemnation) as punishment following condemnation, penal servitude, penalty. In short, condemnation is judgment. 

Those that are not in Christ (unsaved) are judged (Romans 14:10-122 Peter 2:9, Luke 13:27) when they stand before God to give an account for their life and why they denied the Christ. Christians must give an account, before God, for everything that has transpired in our life also. But a born-again Believer does not face the harsh judgment you’re imparting on yourself and accepting from the devil. Jesus already paid for that condemning sin.


Romans 8:1-2 NKJV says, There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. 


Since the scripture teaches that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ, it means you are not to impose this kind of judgment upon yourself. We are not judged by those standards (the law) anymore because Christ put it all to an end if you’re in Him.

Before Christ’s finished work, Israel sacrificed animals continually to atone for sins—but no longer do (Hebrews 10:1-18). However, Christ, the innocent sacrificial Lamb, stood in the gap for this process. He is the final sacrifice. Now His grace covers everything that we could never get right before we came to know Him. Although there are consequences for our actions and decisions, this is not the same thing as a guilty sentence from God.

The absence of self-forgiveness and understanding will keep you deceived. God wants you to forgive yourself just as He has so that you can move on in fulfilling the purpose He has for your life. Philippians 1:6 NIV says, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.


Scripture test for your identity in Christ


Soulful, when you grasp that there is no condemnation, you will instantly draw closer to God. God never forces us to come to Him or to do His will, but His love is like a magnet. The security, sincerity, and depth of His love magnet will pull you closer.


Don’t use your liberty in Christ to keep on sinning (Romans 6:1) but do bounce back and acknowledge that God’s love is powerful and forgiving enough to set you free from sin. We must not get hung up on the pleasing of man or fitting in with the world. When you rely on people’s opinions of you and the world’s system to give you kudos, acceptance, and rewards—you open yourself up to compromise and sin.

When the desire to know God and grow more rooted in the knowledge of Him is present, His fruit will begin to shine through in our character. Others will be a witness to the Holy Spirit’s fruit expanding inside of us. As the Spirit draws us nearer to our new nature it will hurt us to sin against God. The more we are in His presence, the more we begin to recognize sin and hate it, we experience freedom in Christ.


Know Your Self Worth and Love Yourself. The absence of self-forgiveness and understanding will keep you deceived. God wants you to forgive yourself just as He has so that you can move on in fulfilling the purpose He has for your life. #identity #selflove #forgiveness

As God’s child, you are forgiven, loved, cherished, rescued, and valuable—no matter what you have done, who you’ve done it with, or what you have been through in the past. Only His blood and grace can cover over the hick-ups in life. The Comforter is gentle and genuinely wants you to know how great experience can be when you discover the truth about Who He is. The more you know about Christ, the more your life will be liberating.

You can’t honestly know someone until you set them free and let them live the way they’d live if you were not watching or if they aren’t under your rules.

So, Christ came to set the captives free. It’s in this freedom that you begin to love God and yourself.


Liberty moves you to express the fruit within. When you know you’re loved, you walk, talk, and behave differently. You are loved unconditionally, and nothing can separate you from that love—absolutely nothing!

There is never a time when He isn’t there for you—He has you surrounded with His arms and an army of angels even when you think you are alone. Because of the nature of the Holy Spirit that resides in you, you have His grace to bear good fruit and start anew. You no longer have to depend on your works. Total reliance on God is where you find your strength.

Galatians 5:22-25 NKJV says, But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such, there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.  If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.  


Your real identity expresses this fruit. Yes, it may take some time to activate it as seeds take time to grow. It’s there, and if you want to see more of it, surrender your life to God daily.

Your authenticity is unique to Him, it’s incredible. His love allows you to accept who you are because you are not a mistake. You are His original masterpiece—flaws and all. Your unique traits are a beautiful expression from the Spirit of the Artist—Jehovah!  

To know who you are, you can only find that out from the One who made you. Jesus rescued you from holding yourself prisoner, so please stop believing lies about who the world, people, and the devil say you are. Accept God’s forgiveness. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Take up your issues with God, learn from them, and ask Him to see you through.  

Soul Actions:

Learn about yourself by reading the Holy Scriptures. They have power, and as you continue reading them, the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth.

Don’t beat up on yourself. You will sin, make mistakes, and make bad choices and decisions still. However, as you spend time with God, they will be significantly minimized.

Study scriptures about God’s love. They helped me a lot as I began growing in more excellent knowledge and understanding about my identity.


It’s time to re-prioritize your life! live life on purpose.

Now that you’re spending time getting to know God and learn about your identity. I created this Dream Big Goal Setting Guide to help you identify your purpose and set goals God’s way. Download this workbook for FREE.



If the Identity Series blessed you, comment below. What did you learn about your identity in recent years? Also, don’t forget to share this with two friends. Thank you so much, and God bless.

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