Tag Archive for: encouragement

Stay in your lane; what does it mean? If you’re a driver, I’m sure you’ve had to yell countless times, “stay in your lane,” to drivers drifting over the lines into your lane. I must ask you to stay in your lane because too many Christians get caught up in the attention-craving of likes and views. We are programmed to look at the numbers, which causes us to take our eyes off what God wants us to focus on individually. Statistics and numbers are smack dab in our faces on social platforms, YouTube, and email marketing accounts.

It’s easy to desire someone else’s purpose, gifts, and talents—but what does God require from you? If we can’t concentrate on what we are supposed to do, we won’t finish the race with excellence.

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Salvation is a gift, but it costs something. God gave us the gift of eternal life by believing in our hearts and confessing Jesus Christ as Lord with our mouths for salvation (Romans 10:9-10).

When you got reborn, the day you confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and believed in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, by faith, and repented of your sins did it cost you anything?

Paul realized the price of redemption and the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ when he called himself a bondservant (Romans 1:1). Oxford dictionary defines a bondservant as a person bound in service without wages (a slave or serf).

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In this post, I share five tips to stay the course during a fast. Any fast can be challenging at times, even if you fast often. Every fasting experience I ever completed was unique from the others in some way. Eleven years ago, I fell short during a corporate Daniel fast. I didn’t’ struggle much during the first thirteen of that twenty-one-day fast. Yet, on the fourteenth day, I had a weak moment and ate chicken.

My fall happened because of canceled plans. Please let me explain!

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Plan a Date with Jesus and Coffee

In this post, I share how to supercharge your spiritual life by planning a coffee date table session with God. Are you intentional about your alone time with God enough to schedule regular dates with Him? If your answer is no, it’s time that you change that. The enemy enjoys when you don’t spend time praying, studying, and learning the Word of God. 

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sow good seeds to reap abundantly

There is no way to escape the law of sowing and reaping. So, I want to reveal how you can sow good seeds to reap an abundant harvest. It’s not possible to sow only one seed and yield just the single crop. Inside of an apple seed lives an apple tree. Inside of thought lives a vision.

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In this post, I share six tips on how to improve your life and bear good fruit. God designed and purposed you to produce good fruit. But, bettering your life is about living intentionally and purposefully The only way to improve your life for the better is to apply God’s principles. He’s the One that designed and created you. Father is familiar with your feelings of insecurity, discomfort, fear, hurt, and discontentment.

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