Why you’re not using your gifts and talents is a question we need to explore in more detail. The Creator gave us gifts for the Body of Christ and other things He called us to accomplish. Sadly, so many Believers suppress their gifts and talents. We make excuses for not moving forward out of fear or complacency, while others believe using gifts and talents is only for a select bunch.

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Do you need more information about prayer and fasting? Both prayer and fasting were touched on in the prior two posts. Do You Know How to Pray and Why You Should Fast to Refocus Spiritually are linked below. I encourage you to check them out before you read this. Let’s go a bit further into prayer and fasting. Spiritual disciplines are essential to your spiritual growth.

I stepped my prayer life up over the last decade, and even more within the pandemic. Years ago, I added the weapon of fasting to my arsenal and witnessed my spiritual life grow by leaps and bounds—seriously.

What about you, do you pray intentionally at least once daily? Also, do you ever incorporate fasting into your routine?
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Are you ready to fast to refocus spiritually now? Fasting and prayer are the super-powers for Christians. When you pair fasting with prayer, it packs a supernatural punch in the spirit realm. Fasting and prayer go together but need not be in vain. Vanity is present when you do not have a relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ.

I explain why I recommend fasting for a spiritual reset and a closer walk with God in this teaching. Keep in mind that this is a part of the prayer and fasting series, so I will go deeper into how to fast on the next installment.

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During one of my recent fasts, I questioned why so many Christians are weak and powerless. Before you find offense, could you hear me out? We have power and spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus, yet we are not using any of it.

Instead, we chose to live stressed out, weak, powerless, peaceless, poor in spirit, and broken in the soul.

Imagine how Jesus must feel when He looks at us living this way. It’s so sad when I witness so many professing Christians trampled over by the enemy. We need equipping to fight in a spiritual battle. We operate in warfare defensively and not offensively. Read more

A life transformation and soul cure (healing) come about when your mind changes. Joyce Meyer said, the mind is the battlefield, but I cry the soul is the battlefield because its playground is grander than just the mind. Since the soul consists of the mind, will, and emotions—it must be renewed.

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In this post, I share six tips on how to improve your life and bear good fruit. God designed and purposed you to produce good fruit. But, bettering your life is about living intentionally and purposefully The only way to improve your life for the better is to apply God’s principles. He’s the One that designed and created you. Father is familiar with your feelings of insecurity, discomfort, fear, hurt, and discontentment.

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