If you’re a Christian and are involved in the practice of yoga, read on. Here I share why Christians should never practice yoga and its dangers. I’m going to highlight several falsities that the modern church has been adopting for some time. Once aware of this information, it’s up to you to decide whether you will partake in it.

When I originally published this topic some years back, twitter attacks filled my feed. It struck a chord and was one of my most attention-grabbing writings.

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Is it okay for Christians to represent zodiac signs? Let’s take a look at what the Bible teaches about zodiacs. Last week we reviewed why, as God’s children, we are not to claim a zodiac sign from Christians and Zodiac Signs. We are to rest firmly in identifying only with whom God says we are.


According to the Watchman Bible Study Group and “Cult Watch” by John Ankerberg & John Weldo, they had this to say, “Proof that the spirits (demons) are interested in promoting astrology as seen in the following two examples.

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Should Christians represent zodiac signs? Let’s take a look at what the Bible teaches about zodiacs. I’m not a Libra or any other false title placed on me. Yes, I was born on October 14th, but I was also born-again at age seven. Since God adopted me, this new identity gives me a new name and eternal address change.

I am a Bible Believing Christian—a child of God, a Christ-follower, and a permanent resident of the Kingdom of God.

If you are a brother or sister of mine, in Christ, you must know why it’s not cool to attach any false gods with your identity.

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Purpose and total dependence on God is the key to success and transformation. A door closed in my face some years ago, and that action transformed my life and unlocked my purpose. God’s purpose is why we’re here. Friend, today is the day that the Lord has made, and I am elated to introduce you to the new assignment God has birthed through me—Cure 4 the Soul Ministries.

If you followed me with LaTanya Quinn Ministries (Jan. 2012 – Dec. 2014), you might have a bit of background about the Bible teachings and articles I penned.

Nevertheless, a lot has transpired since then, honey—a lot!

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Do you ever have those days when you find yourself doing a lot of nothing while you’re supposed to be working?

You know, those days when you appear to be busy but things aren’t really getting done?

The multi-tasking you’re doing turns into looking at the latest Macy’s sale, researching your next vacation package on Groupon, scrolling through your social media timelines, reading promotional emails in your inbox, or visiting at your co-workers desk several times.

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