Christians and vision boards are risky, but most professing Christians are unaware of the hidden dangers. Many Christians and churches these days promote vision board parties and visualization practices. However,  some say, what is wrong with making a vision for your life and cutting out words and images to accompany your dream? Hopefully, I can share how most Christians misuse visualization.

I encourage you to stick with me to the end. The only way I can share the reality of this vision practice with you is to break down its roots for proper context so that you can walk away with adequate understanding.

I will be working on some discernment teachings in the months to come so, and please make sure you are signed up for emails and subscribed to the YouTube channel. Next week I will focus on goals and I will list a few ways in which vision boards are used legitimately.

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China McClain denies the Trinity, along with Marcus Rogers, Brandon Tatum, and Bryson Gray. They all say the Trinity is False doctrine. In this video, I hope to bring some clarity to this subject. There is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ, and only God can forgive sins. The question is, who do you believe Jesus Christ is? Your eternal salvation rests on who you say He is. China McClain denies the Trinity again in a new video I created too. She doubles down on her stance by backing up her claims with proof from the study of the encyclopedia.

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I want to shed light on fatherless households, and the effect of spiritual warfare fueled through the Hip Hop culture. There is a fatherless crisis among the black community, and too many people aren’t talking about it. The hip-hop celebrity artists are fueling this through their lifestyle and art. Although rappers are not the only cause of this crisis, they play a massive role in our black communities’ lack of fathers in the home.

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Please read this if you are a professing Christian that stands with the Democrat/Liberal party. Whether or not you support abortion laws, the party you stand with does. Please be alert, chose your faith over feelings, and prayerfully consider the things I’m going to unfold.

If you’re a black Christian voting for Democrats, can you explain the reasoning for your stance? I’m asking because I never was challenged with my position until several years back. My reasons for endorsing the platform were more about feelings and race as opposed to facts. I didn’t see how my political choices were also a massive part of where I was spiritually.

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If you’re a Christian and are involved in the practice of yoga, read on. Here I share why Christians should never practice yoga and its dangers. I’m going to highlight several falsities that the modern church has been adopting for some time. Once aware of this information, it’s up to you to decide whether you will partake in it.

When I originally published this topic some years back, twitter attacks filled my feed. It struck a chord and was one of my most attention-grabbing writings.

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Is it okay for Christians to represent zodiac signs? Let’s take a look at what the Bible teaches about zodiacs. Last week we reviewed why, as God’s children, we are not to claim a zodiac sign from Christians and Zodiac Signs. We are to rest firmly in identifying only with whom God says we are.


According to the Watchman Bible Study Group and “Cult Watch” by John Ankerberg & John Weldo, they had this to say, “Proof that the spirits (demons) are interested in promoting astrology as seen in the following two examples.

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