Astrology isn’t for you, please don’t fall for their trickery. Dabbling in astrology and zodiac symbolism and horoscopes is a dangerous game. You can’t dabble in the zodiac symbolism and come away from it unscathed.

Before you came to know Christ, you may have dabbled innocently with zodiac signs or gotten heavily ingrained. When Christ makes you a new creation (in Him), you must learn to renew your mind and remove the remnants of the teachings contrary to your life in Him (Romans 12:1-2). Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, it’s spiritually hazardous to tangle with zodiac charts and symbolism. Read more

Salvation is a gift, but it costs something. God gave us the gift of eternal life by believing in our hearts and confessing Jesus Christ as Lord with our mouths for salvation (Romans 10:9-10).

When you got reborn, the day you confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and believed in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, by faith, and repented of your sins did it cost you anything?

Paul realized the price of redemption and the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ when he called himself a bondservant (Romans 1:1). Oxford dictionary defines a bondservant as a person bound in service without wages (a slave or serf).

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The law of attraction and manifesting is prevalent among Christians. The law of attraction crept into modern churches and Christian media outlets decades ago, and many babes and seasoned saints are unaware of the deception. The occult practice of this attraction and mind science is tied heavily through the popular documentary—The Secret.

In this Era of hustle culture, entrepreneurship, and technological innovation, it’s easy to get swept away into the wrong ideology. Popular business books, sales seminars, and life coaches use these rituals and teach them to the masses.

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Manifesting goals through vision boards by professing Christians is quite popular. Vision board parties are widespread within Christian women’s groups and churches. Writing goals and planning for them is also exciting. But the question is, should Christians use vision boards to accomplish goals?

I want to be clear that I am all for putting goals in writing and having a plan to accomplish them. A faith-filled and hopeful outlook about life is essential to the Christian walk. Additionally, prioritizing the best use of the time and space God placed us in is superior, as the days are evil (Eph 5:16, James 4:14). Nonetheless, the problem comes about when our goals don’t align with God’s will and purposes. We must evaluate the methods and paths we partake in to bring about the vision.

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Christians and vision boards are risky, but most professing Christians are unaware of the hidden dangers. Many Christians and churches these days promote vision board parties and visualization practices. However,  some say, what is wrong with making a vision for your life and cutting out words and images to accompany your dream? Hopefully, I can share how most Christians misuse visualization.

I encourage you to stick with me to the end. The only way I can share the reality of this vision practice with you is to break down its roots for proper context so that you can walk away with adequate understanding.

I will be working on some discernment teachings in the months to come so, and please make sure you are signed up for emails and subscribed to the YouTube channel. Next week I will focus on goals and I will list a few ways in which vision boards are used legitimately.

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China McClain denies the Trinity, along with Marcus Rogers, Brandon Tatum, and Bryson Gray. They all say the Trinity is False doctrine. In this video, I hope to bring some clarity to this subject. There is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ, and only God can forgive sins. The question is, who do you believe Jesus Christ is? Your eternal salvation rests on who you say He is. China McClain denies the Trinity again in a new video I created too. She doubles down on her stance by backing up her claims with proof from the study of the encyclopedia.

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