Tag Archive for: video

I want to shed light on fatherless households, and the effect of spiritual warfare fueled through the Hip Hop culture. There is a fatherless crisis among the black community, and too many people aren’t talking about it. The hip-hop celebrity artists are fueling this through their lifestyle and art. Although rappers are not the only cause of this crisis, they play a massive role in our black communities’ lack of fathers in the home.

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Please read this if you are a professing Christian that stands with the Democrat/Liberal party. Whether or not you support abortion laws, the party you stand with does. Please be alert, chose your faith over feelings, and prayerfully consider the things I’m going to unfold.

If you’re a black Christian voting for Democrats, can you explain the reasoning for your stance? I’m asking because I never was challenged with my position until several years back. My reasons for endorsing the platform were more about feelings and race as opposed to facts. I didn’t see how my political choices were also a massive part of where I was spiritually.

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VIDEOHow to study the Bible is not always a one size fits all. However, in this video we discuss the way that my Dad—Minister George Quinn studies the Bible. He has been studying the Bible for 40 plus years off and on and he will share how it has kept him anchored.

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