Tag Archive for: premarital

Submission 101 is one of the topics that make many women frown. When you speak to a woman about submission, it’s like you put soured milk under her nose to smell. But as a Christian, it’s a lifestyle you want to familiarize yourself with, especially while Navigating the Single Life. God wants all His children to submit to the governing authorities and those set to watch over us. Husbands submit to Christ, the wife submits to her husband, and children to their parents.

If you have a problem with obeying and respecting those God established in your life for submission, you’ll want to seek God for this matter. Additionally, having the correct term view can help balance the scales. Before you go any further,  for context, read Married to Christ at the beginning of this series and Marriage Steps and Preps on YouTube. It will expand your context on all the subjects covered in this collection.

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Guarding against temptation is an essential practice in the life of the saints. Practicing guarding against temptation will help you transfer these principles into your marriage and sanctification journey. As you go through the preparation season, before God gifts you with the desire of your heart to enter a loving and fulfilling marriage, let’s consider some things. First, you want to identify the areas prone to breaking down. Secondly, secure the potential entry points (footholds) like fort Knox.

The Bible tells us not to despise small beginnings. Therefore, don’t scorn your single life because it will profit you nothing. I understand you desire marriage, but if you’re not vigilant with self-discipline, you’ll prolong the process of connecting with the spouse you desire because you fell into temptation.

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Don’t look back at what might have been or what you thought should’ve happened with that person. Tempting as it can be, refuse to look back and reminisce on a connection that never worked out in the past. Let it go. If a genuine relationship were in order, it would’ve already happened. So, if you tried reconnecting with someone who rejected you in the past, don’t look back, do yourself and favor, and thank God for blessing the rejection. Read more

You can begin preparing for courtship today. When you desire something as sincere as marriage, you don’t have to wait until you meet the mate you’re preparing to meet. Prepare for the blessing right where you are. You can utilize biblical wisdom, principles, and application to get started.

I’ll provide some simple helpful tips to keep you focused on the goal ahead. Marriage is service unto Christ, your spouse, and your family. In the video Marriage Preps and Steps, I discussed how essential it is to prepare for the marriage. In addition, Married to Christ sets the foundation for this series—Navigating the Single Life.

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Poor decision-making and financial health are significant issues that lead to divorce, and I want to cover them here. Many biblical principles highlight decision-making and financial health.

An article in Psychology Today—How Many Decisions do we Make Each Day says, “In fact, some sources suggest that the average person makes an eye-popping 35,000 choices per day. Assuming that most people spend around seven hours per day sleeping and thus blissfully choice-free, that makes roughly 2,000 decisions per hour or one decision every two seconds”.

Wow, that’s a lot of choices!

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