Many of us have the habit of complaining, but today I share 6 action steps that can help you stop. We are living through a great pandemic right now, and unfortunately, this is something we can’t change. The Covid-19 infection rate is going to have to run its course. Therefore, since we will be on lockdown a bit longer, it’s an excellent time to show an attitude of thanksgiving while we’re home self-reflecting.

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Do you ever have those days when you find yourself doing a lot of nothing while you’re supposed to be working?

You know, those days when you appear to be busy but things aren’t really getting done?

The multi-tasking you’re doing turns into looking at the latest Macy’s sale, researching your next vacation package on Groupon, scrolling through your social media timelines, reading promotional emails in your inbox, or visiting at your co-workers desk several times.

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