Many of us have the habit of complaining, but today I share 6 action steps that can help you stop. We are living through a great pandemic right now, and unfortunately, this is something we can’t change. The Covid-19 infection rate is going to have to run its course. Therefore, since we will be on lockdown a bit longer, it’s an excellent time to show an attitude of thanksgiving while we’re home self-reflecting.

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In this post I share 15 encouraging bible verses/passages to remind you of who God is and that He’s in total control of all things. If we’re unfocused on this undeniable truth, it’s easier to reflect on the problem opposed to remembering God is bigger than any problem.

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The title I just want to share this with you was put on my heart this past weekend during my study about the early church. I’ve been studying the book of Acts for the last four weeks and the Holy Spirit led me to go back and re-read a couple of the chapters. The book of Acts was never one that I got into studying before, but I’m so glad that I got into it.

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VIDEOHow to study the Bible is not always a one size fits all. However, in this video we discuss the way that my Dad—Minister George Quinn studies the Bible. He has been studying the Bible for 40 plus years off and on and he will share how it has kept him anchored.

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It may seem as if the desire of your heart is never going to come to pass, but God’s delay is not necessarily denial. You asked for God’s will, you’ve turned into a prayer warrior, you’ve invested your last dollar into the plan, and you’re implementing all the latest success strategies. As soon as momentum builds, things slow back down to a turtle’s pace.

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VIDEO – Are you ready to overcome fear and learn why it’s keeping you from God’s blessings? Today, we are going to uncover 2 reasons why you’re blocking God’s blessings. There are 2 relatives that are masquerading behind fear, thus imprisoning you.

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